City officials recently reminded all public schools under the Department of Education – City Schools Division to regularly undertake the replacement, repair, and maintenance of furnitures, equipment, fixtures, and digital equipment to ensure a conducive learning environment for the learners.
Under Resolution No. 144, series of 2024, local legislators stated that Section 1, Article XIV of the Philippine Constitution provides that the State shall protect and promote the rights of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.
During the Scout Official for a Day (SOFAD) session held on October 23, 2023, the SOFAD Council adopted the proposal of SOFAD Councilor Ashanti June O. Pongod that requested the City Schools Division of the Department of Education and the regional office to undertake the regular replacement, repair and maintenance of furniture and fixtures such as but not limited to electric fans, busted bulbs, dilapidated windows, broken window glasses of all public schools and classrooms in the city.
The council pointed out that the State is aware that due to poor school facilities and services, the quality of education in the country suffers which warrants the appropriate action from concerned government agencies with the assistance of the local governments hosting the various public schools around the country.
The council recognized the fact that it takes some time for the education department and the school administration to institute the appropriate repairs, replacements and maintenance of school furniture and fixtures and equipment because of the inadequate resources that are available for disposition by the concerned school officials.
Copies of the approved resolution will be transited to the various public schools around the city, the Department of Education -City Schools Division, the regional office of the education department among other concerned stakeholders for their information, guidance, ready reference and further needed action. By Dexter A. See