“When you knock on the door of opportunity, do not be surprised that it is Work who answers.” When I heard this line from Brendon Burchard and read it again in his book, it was as if a bucket of cold water was poured over me waking up my senses, and shouting at me, “Get to work!”
Two Sundays ago, we have talked about how any Juan can be a high performer. If you missed that, feel free to revisit it in our website. We had two Sunday breaks about this topic but now, we are going to talk about the mindset that we need to live by if we want to become high performers in our own fields, in our own rights.
When I finally pursued my passion to write, train and speak to instruct and inspire the young minds, I thought it will be easy because I will be doing what I love as what they say. But that is just half of the entire truth. Yes, you will enjoy doing it because you love it. However, it will never be easy. Every good thing – brought up to high performance level – demands hard work. That is why I so love echoing those words of Mr. Burchard, “When you knock on the door of opportunity, do not be surprised that it is Work who answers.”
Therefore, you’ve got to embrace the work! Hard work! For every reaping is preceded by sowing. Every harvesting is preceded by planting. That is hard work. Oh yes, some say, do smart work. I agree. Put up systems and strategies to help you achieve higher levels of efficiency and effectiveness. But all those requires hard work. I repeat, embrace the work!
Let us all remember that in improving our lives, ease is not what we should seek, it is growth. And growth requires just that – hard work. I repeat, embrace the work!
But why are some people who embrace the work do not reap the harvest they ought to have? It is for this reason that we need to address another mindset. Some people say, “I don’t deserve it.” Some say this verbally, while some do not admit it but if you dig deeper, that is what their mindset and heartset is saying. The mindset of ‘undeserving’ should be replaced.
Let me make a declaration: You are given the permission to go for the goals you aspire to achieve. Those dreams are planted in your heart because you are also given the abilities and avenues to nurture them and eventually gather the fruits ought to be yours. It is meant for you!
Let me turn a little spiritual here (after all, we are spiritual beings having human experience): It is easier to give yourself permission to excel if you understand and appreciate, live and embrace the truth that God is your Father and you are His child. And as a Father, He wants the best for you because He wants the best for His child.
So stop thinking that you do not deserve a better life. It is not about you, it is about Him, His Grace, His Love for you.
One more thing: The fruits of your hard work will not just be for you; it will be for others, tool.
So, embrace it. Embrace the permission to be better. Embrace the work required. Embrace excellence. It is not just for you. It is for the people you love and the people around you!
(Chris Dao-anis, CPA, DTM – as a speaker, trainer and writer – shares about communication, leadership, productivity, high performance and personal finance. For talks and trainings, email info@chrisdaoanis.com or visit www.chrisdaoanis.com. You may also ask him about insurance and investments.)