Another year has come with new hopes and promises. Are you ready to jumpstart the New Year?
I am writing this while am on a trip to the Mountain Province. We just passed by a truck full of loads moving slowly at a turtle pace. The van I am riding had to maneuver to overtake the truck otherwise it would take us the entire long day to arrive at our destination in Bauko.
In life, we are on a trip. This 2017, we are on a new trip. A trip that we must enjoy. How can we enjoy this trip then?
There are a lot of ways on how we can enjoy the trip – to see the thick trees down the road and the distant hill (representing opportunities), to savor the mountain breeze freshening the hot and humid highway (representing the presents of moments), and to run at the pace and speed you are supposed to run (representing the achievement of aspirations).
Here is one tip: check your load.
Are you like that truck that we just overtook? Are you with hundreds of loads? Are you carrying tons of baggage?
Check on them again. For that truck, it may be necessary for it to carry those loads. But for you, is it necessary for you to carry the burdens you have right now?
Are you still nursing a past hurt? Are you still holding on a sad experience? Are you still wallowing in the sorrow of history? These loads are burdening you so much, pulling you down, and slowing you in your trip to grab opportunities, to experience life in the present, and to achieve your aspirations.
You have to put the past to where it belongs – to the past. Particularly those that are painful. They may be painful and it’s valid to feel the pain. But like a pill, it has an expiration date. There shall come a moment that you surrender it, let go and move on. Learn from it. And live on.
It will be difficult that you may have to feel the hurt perhaps and examine it. Recognize how you reacted and how you should have responded. When processed appropriately, the past could push you to experience the gift – the present of the present. So that in the new year, you will welcome a new life. Into the new year, make the move.
Into the new year, take the decision to unload baggage that are not needed. Into the new year, commit to a new chapter. Into the new year, come to a clean slate and craft a new story of joy, life and love.
Into the new year, continue to bring the joy! Happy New Year!
(Chris Dao-anis, CPA, ACG, ALB is a writer, trainer and speaker on communication and personal leadership. His latest book ‘Living Large in the Little Things’ is available at Mt. Cloud Bookshop, Casa Vallejo, Upper Session Road, Baguio City. For talks and trainings, email him at or visit