The Mines and Geosciences Bureau- Cordillera Administrative Region (MGB-CAR) Director Fay W. Apil joined the distinguished lineup of guest speakers who included the Most Reverend Bishop Victor Bendico of the Diocese of Baguio, DENR-CAR Regional Executive Director Engr. Ralph Pablo, Itogon Vice Mayor Adriano Carantes, Jr. and the Catholic community in the culminating activity of the Season of Creation held on October 14, 2020 at the Covered Court of Dalicno, Itogon, Benguet.
In her message, she emphasized that the environment is everyone’s business since we are all stewards of God’s creation. Furthermore, she quoted Genesis chapter 2: verses10-12 which reads “A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers. The name of the first is Pishon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there.”
She continued to elaborate that God’s creations are good and that includes those that are under the earth’s surface. Elements under the earth’s surface were intended to be extracted and put to good use for our benefits and welfare.
Furthermore, she espoused that the regional mining bureau promotes Responsible Mining that employs mining practices that do not destroy the environment rather enhances and protects. She added that responsible mining is but a temporary use of a land area to get valuable minerals that can help the nation and industries to achieve progress while rehabilitating mined areas, taking care of the environment and protecting the welfare and interest of the host and neighboring communities.
She called on everyone to partner with the bureau and the environmental agencies to care for the environment and prevent future disasters caused by human abuse.
The Season of Creation is a month long prayerful observance that calls on Christians to care for and protect the environment.
Accordingly, there are many ways to celebrate this season, and the Diocese of Baguio through its Commission on Environment led different activities that call on Catholic Christians to express their love of God and care for the environment by their participation.