BAGUIO CITY – Cordillera Administrative Region- The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) through the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program has released a total amount of P 36,210,600.00 to cover the rice subsidy to Pantawid Pamilya households here. The said amount covers 60,351 households who are registered, active and compliant in the implementation of the Program.
Pantawid Pamilya Regional Program Coordinator Fatima Florendo said that the amount was released together with the cash grants in March 2017. “An amount of P 600 has been added which will cover the rice subsidy for the month of January,” Florendo added.
As part of President Rodrigo Duterte’s commitment during the State of the Nation Address, the rice subsidy has been provided to all beneficiaries of Pantawid Pamilya who had been compliant with at least one program conditionality monthly.
“Those who do not comply with all the program conditionalities will not be given rice subsidy. But no rice subsidy shall be given to a household that may be compliant with the conditionalities but are included in cases that need to be resolved by the Department such as cases of fraud, duplicity, ineligibility, etc.,” Florendo added.
There are around 63,348 household beneficiaries in the region. However, for Period 6 covering December 2016 to January 2017, there are only 61,129 households targeted to receive the subsidy.
“For this period, the program has only considered the compliance of our beneficiaries for January 2017. Thus, households that are compliant on December 2016 but not on January have not been given rice subsidy,” Florendo shared.
Florendo also encouraged the household beneficiaries to continue their compliance to all program conditionalities for maximum cash grant benefits.
“The rice subsidy is just an additional assistance to our beneficiaries. We still believe that their compliance to all the conditionalities will be beneficial to them not just financially but for their overall development,” Florendo added.
For queries, complaints, or comments related to the said program, these can be directed to PantawidPamilya hotline number (02) 952-69-29. These can also be forwarded to +63908-91-22-813 or to 3456 following this format: Pantawid name/ household ID number <space> address <space> complaint. These may also be directed to DSWD-CAR’s Facebook account at
Meanwhile, rice subsidy for 2017 Period 1 (February and March 2017) amounting to P 1,200 is expected to be released with the May 2017 pay-out.
By Nerizza Faye G. Villanueva