BAGUIO CITY – The City Council approved on first reading a proposed ordinance providing for the regulations in the conduct of medical missions and similar undertakings in the city.
The ordinance authored by Councilor Elaine D. Sembrano stated the proposed local legislative measure covers all medical missions and similar activities conducted for free or for minimal considerations, by non-government organizations (NGOs), peoples organizations (POs), religious organizations, cooperatives, business corporations or entities as the registered line of business or as part of their social responsibility counterpart or community development activities required by government regulatory agencies or for the promotion of products and services.
Under the provisions of the ordinance, no NGO, PO, religious organization, business corporation, cooperative or any entity shall conduct any medical mission in the city without securing the required permit as provided for by the measure.
For the purpose of the strict implementation of the measure, a medical mission coordinating committee will be created to be composed of the City Mayor as Chairman, co-chaired by the city Health Services Officer who will also serve as the action officer and members from the Association of Barangay Councils (ABC) SP Committee on Health and Sanitation, City Social Welfare and Development Officer, City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer, DOH-CAR representative, representative of NGO engaged in community development among others.
The committee shall receive and process of letters of intent to conduct medical mission from any interested entity, evaluate the capacity of the applicants, the medical services and the procedures to be performed, including the intended beneficiaries; issue the necessary permit and endorsement addressed to the Punong Barangay concerned or deny the application for cause; keep a record of all medical missions conducted in the city and recommend to the city executive or city council measures to improve the conduct of medical missions in the city.
Among the prescribed procedures in the processing of permit to conduct medical missions in the city include the submission of letter of intent to conduct medical mission addressed to the City Mayor through the city Health Services officer with attachments such as name and address of organization or company, cooperative or organization, contract person and contact number and a brief description of the company or organization, certificate of registration, literature of the activity or project narrative, list of recipients, and list of medical apparatus; coordinate with the Punong Barangay or official concerned prior to the start of the activity; ensure that the site is clean and that the area where medical procedures are done is enclosed and make available on stand-by a vehicle or ambulance to transport patients in case of medical emergency.
Any company, organization or entity found to have violated the provisions of the ordinance shall be reprimanded for the first offense, a fine of P3,000 for the second offense, a fine of fP5,000 for the third offense and cancellation of city council accreditation or non-renewal of business permit or the non-issuances of local clearances of the organization for the fourth offense.
By Dexter A. See