Speaking before co-op assemblies, I found myself talking about two principles almost frequently to every one of them whether the co-op is large or small. I guess I can do it since I face different audiences every time. Besides, these principles are important that they cannot just be brushed off like a speck of dandruff on your shoulders. You have read about the first one in my article about two issues ago. It is about commitment. The other one is potential which I will be writing about it today.
Every co-op has the potential to grow just like every human being has the potential to succeed. As long as you are alive, you carry that potential inside you. We really have to grasp this because it can change our perspective or how we look at ourselves and our organizations. If you believe that all things will improve tomorrow, then you have potential.
The potential principle was explained best by Dr. Myles Munroe in his book, Understanding Your Potential. Munroe opened his discussion by saying that, “Everything in life was created with potential. In every seed there is a tree…in every bird a flock…in every fish a school…in every sheep a flock… in every cow a herd…in every nation a generation.”
Potential according to Munroe is that…dormant ability…reserved power…untapped strength… unused success…hidden talents…capped capability. That which you can be but have not yet become…that which you can do but have not yet done…that which you can reach but have not yet reached…that which you can accomplish but have not yet accomplished. What you have done is no longer your potential. Potential is what you can do but have not yet done.
Almost everyone has plans and dreams for a better life. The same is through with a co-op. From their inception, co-ops look very promising. The organizers have good intentions and ideas for productive endeavors. These good ideas can potentially bring good fortune. But somewhere along the way, that potential was not awakened, drawn and developed. So it led to failures, frustrations and crushed spirits.
Let us imagine a mango seed. It has the potential to grow and produce thousands of fruits, but it has to be nurtured. The same is true with a small co-op wanting to become a large one. It needs to be surrounded by good hearted officers, hard-working staff and supportive members. Without these recipes for success, that potential will die.
Saying it differently, in order for us to reach our potentials, we need to be guided, we need to be molded, we need to be steered in the right direction. That is why we should be humble enough to seek counsel, learn from mentors or coaches and allow ourselves to be corrected and redirected every time we are distracted from our vision.
Lastly, the potential for a successful future is in our hands. The direction of our lives or co-op is within our control. We decide what will our lives or co-op can become. There is no use blaming our parents, family, our teachers or the past officers in case of a co-op, from past failures. Now is the time to act on our potentials.