TUBLAY, Benguet – Benguet Caretaker Congressman and Anti-Crime and Terrorism through Community Involvement and Support (ACT-CIS) Party-list Rep. Eric Yap dared politicians aspiring for higher elected positions to come out in the open and show to the people their sincerity to serve by extending appropriate assistance to the residents who were heavily impacted by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic instead of engaging in black propaganda against their projected rivals.
Yap, who graced the inauguration of the 20-bed isolation facility in Barangay Ambongdolan, stated that now is the time for politicians to show their concern for the welfare of their constituents because it is a time that their help is much needed for people to be able to mitigate the effects of the pandemic to their overall living condition.
He pointed out that politicians should not wait for the election period to show their concern to the people whom they believe will vote for them but it should be during the prevailing difficult times that aspirants for elected positions will be aggressively working for the welfare of their constituents and attending to their concerns.
The lawmaker stipulated that during the election period, it will only be propaganda that matters but what is important for the electorate is they were able to feel the presence of their politicians during the prevailing trying times.
Congressman yap disclosed that he will be even happy to endorse the candidacy of aspirants for elected positions once they are able to show their concern for the welfare of their constituents during the election period because people will be guaranteed of genuine public service from them and not just simply lip service.
According to him, he will just continue to work for the welfare of the people of Benguet through the representations with concerned government agencies to provide the needed funds to implement high impact development projects and enhance the delivery of basic services to the people in the various parts of the province, especially the remote areas that had been deprived of such projects and services over the past several decades.
Congressman Yap expressed disappointment over the criticism being hurled against him by his critics but what is important is that he will be able to deliver to the people of Benguet the appropriate development projects and basic services that they need for them to be able to recover from the heavy impact of the pandemic and allow the local economy to gradually and safely be revived.
He claimed that no matter how his critics will do to ruin his name, it will be the people of Benguet that will serve as the rightful witnesses on how development was achieved and how the basic services were improved when he was the province’s caretaker congressman and that people were able to directly and indirectly benefit from the same.
The caretaker congressman emphasized that what matters at this point of the pandemic is public service and for anything else because it is the time when almost all of the populace need to rise from the slump that was created by the effect of the deadly virus and people should rise up to the occasion instead of looking into the mistakes of others to advance their own personal and political interests. By HENT