When I featured a certain Co-operative, which I visited, on the July 23 issue of Herald Express, I was criticized. Some of my readers were obviously not amused about that story I wrote. Criticisms, by the way, are good. It is another avenue for learning. Unfortunately, their comments failed to pass through the proper and transparent way which is writing this writer or the editor so that it could be properly ventilated, discussed and explained. However, even if it was not directly communicated, it still found its way through the grapevine.
Some people interpreted my visit and my column as something that endorses and supports improper practices or whatever unpleasant ways of doing things allegedly being committed by the management of the said co-op. These people quickly drew their conclusions without validating from the writer the purpose for coming out with such article.
My intentions were good when I wrote that particular article. It was supposed to inform the public on the good practices of this co-op and hopefully, we all can learn a thing or two from them.
So, let me go directly to the point and be clear on this. First, I have no personal knowledge of whatever accusations hurled against the management. The co-op is under the jurisdiction of another CDA Regional Office where they submit their reports. Being under another territory, we cannot look into their documents much less inquire into their operations. As far as I am concerned, having no derogatory documents in my possession, everything is merely hearsay.
Second, what I am promoting is the good practices of management. This is what I’m excited about. My sole purpose is to spread good examples not the bad issues. Sadly, some people are pre-occupied with the dirt and might have failed to extract some nuggets. They think that promoting good practices is the same as consenting to violations or “sins”. That was not my intention. Violations are another issue and should not be tolerated. It is just that I prefer dwelling on the positive for the reason that I am a recent convert of positivity.
Unlike some people, the negatives or weaknesses of people no longer excite me. Negatives only weighs you down. It stresses you out. Focusing on the imperfections of people only makes you so full of yourself to make you believe that you are better than other people. We all have weaknesses. So if you think you are better than another, then the most Christian thing to do is to advice the concerned person to correct his or her “evil” ways rather than maliciously spreading rumors that stains the character and reputation of a person. Jesus Christ said, “he who is without sin, cast the first stone”.
Third, whatever issues you have against the management, that is between you and them. Leave me out of it. My only job is to write stories where we can all learn from. I am not here to bring people down. I do not relish writing negative aspects of people. Issues against some people are supposed to be confronted and dealt with in private.