Benguet SPED Center celebrated its 25th Foundation Day on March 11, 2017, at the school quadrangle with the theme, “Celebrating 25 Years of Building Young Minds with Love”. The event was graced by Ms. Carlota Grace “Cara” V. Cosalan, wife of Cong. Ronald Cosalan of Benguet Province.
The celebration was marked with a commemoration of how Benguet SPED was established and transformed to what it is today and the coronation of the 2017 Mr. and Miss Benguet SPED Center. In her speech, Cosalan expressed her amazement on how the institution changed into a school community five long years after her last visit. She gave emphasis on the good and bad influences of social media citing that social media is a way for the youth to communicate and interact with people, however, such may affect their performance in school activities. The first lady likewise shared her favorite quote by Mahatma Gandhi, “you should be the change that you want to see in the world.”
Other significant people who also joined the event and shared their thoughts include the Chief of Curriculum Implementation Division, Mrs.Rizalyn A. Guznian, who commended the school as a whole and the administration and faculty for their outstanding performance and contributions not only in academic competitions but also co-curricular activities like sports. La Trinidad mayor Hon. Ramon K. Salda cited the procedures on how to avail funds from the municipal government for guidance and informed that programs, services, and reforms in the agricultural sector is currently being coordinated with other districts in connection with the visit of personnel from Guam and promoted the strawberry festival. Meanwhile, the PTA President, Atty. Susana Gaplaew – Umayat, mentioned the significance of conducting a foundation day and thanked the parents, her co–BOD members, other stakeholders for without them, any school program or project planned will not go into fruition. The representative of Barangay Wangal Council, Shirley Daniel, also extended warm greetings to the school.
The presence of some alumni added to the joyous celebration since each one expressed their gratitude having been well-groomed at BSPED and acknowledged the impact on who and what they are today. They are a true testament that the institution is undeniably an excellent builder of young minds with love. The alumni were Jordan Santos, Courage Nissi Dumpayan, Shalom Joy Mauting and Harold Joshua Agustin. Dumpayan mentioned that being educated first at Benguet SPED was where he started to appreciate his uniqueness and God’s blessings to the extra special children. He imparted his insight with the quote, “Take a leap off the cliff of life” that is, by jumping off, one will be bruised, sometimes badly hurt, get frustrated many times before parachutes will open and then can soar high. He added that if a person doesn’t, then he’ll just see the view and the others succeed but not him.
The teachers’ immense and selfless service for 11 and 15 years was duly recognized through the Service Awards. The awardees include Felicidad Menzi, Denia Tarnate, Jennifer Arais and Jennifer Cayat.
By Denia O. Tarnate