BESAO, Mountain Province – Mayor Johnson D. Bantog issued Memorandum Circular No. 16 directing all punong barangays, the Besao Municipal Police Station and all others concerned to clear the roads of obstructions, illegal structures and constructions. Barangay Captains are given 10 days to complete the clearing operations within their barangays.
Further, the barangay chairs shall render periodic reports to Engr. Joseph Dayog, the Municipal Focal Person, on the status of their clearing operations and the same reports will be forwarded to higher offices for their information, guidance, ready reference and further needed action.
During the Municipal Peace and Order Council meeting held recently, Municipal Local Government Operations Officer (MLGOO) Rey B. Fiar-od reminded the members of President Digong’s directive during the State of the Nation Address (SONA) to “exercise their powers essential to reclaim public roads which are being used for private ends.” Relatedly, MLGOO Fiar-od reiterated the strict implementation and observance of municipal ordinances such as Ordinance No. 25 series 2012 – Municipal Transport and Traffic Code of Besao; Ordinance No. 14 series 2006 – An Ordinance Obliging the Local Police to Apprehend Traffic Violators; Ordinance No. 2 series 1981 – An Ordinance Prohibiting the Unauthorized Dumping of Soil, Stones, Sand, Gravel, Rocks, Lumber and Other Materials Along Roads, Streets, Trails, Municipal Reservations and Grounds, Public School Reservation and Grounds, Parks, Plazas, Playgrounds…and Penalizing Violations Thereof; Ordinance No. 3 series 1980 – An Ordinance Prohibiting the Parking of Motor Vehicles in Certain Sections of the Road in the Poblacion and Providing Penalties for its Violation and 2018 Revised Municipal Revenue Code of Besao.
The mayor explained the aforesaid ordinances are all aligned with the President’s mandate and they have commonalities, particularly the prohibition of illegal parking, dumping, conduct of business activities and construction of structures on roads, alleys and walkways within the municipality, and penalizing violations thereof.
Likewise, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) issued MC No. 2019-121 re the Presidential directive during the 4th State of the Nation Address of the President to clear roads of illegal structures and constructions. Further, to meet the 60-day deadline imposed by the presidential order, the DILG directed all mayors to leave their offices and supervise the clearing of road obstructions. Therewith, the DILG challenged all mayors to compel the barangay captains to ensure the president’s directive are implemented in their turfs. The DILG was likewise ordered to suspend erring and negligent mayors and barangay chairmen who fail to carry out clearing operations in their jurisdictions.
Bantog led the Besao PNP, MLGOO, members of the Municipal Tricycle Operators Permit Regulatory Board (MTOPRB) and MPOC to inspect and conduct inventories on road obstructions at barangays Besao East, Besao West, Payeo and Kin-iway with concerned barangay captains accompanying the team. With the issuance of Memorandum Circular No. 16, the 14 barangay captains are expected to be equipped in dealing with their errant constituents.
Mayor Bantog urged the people of the municipality to cooperate with the strict implementation of the presidential directive considering the need to ensure the safety of the general public and prevent the occurrence of untoward incidents that will compromise the safety of life and limb.