The Regional Development Budget Coordinating Committee (RDBCC-CAR) reviewed the budget priorities in education, social protection, health, and manpower development in the first two days of the budget consultation for fiscal year (FY) 2025 which is scheduled from February 27 to March 1, 2024.
The social sector regional line agencies and six state universities and colleges (SUCs) presented their respective budget proposal, highlighting their proposed new or expanded programs and projects (PAPs) for FY 2025.
Dir. Demetrio P. Anduyan of the Commission on Higher Education reported the regional accomplishments in higher education and presented their priority PAPs. This was followed by the presentation of SUC budget priorities. These priorities are geared toward enabling Cordilleran learners to have access to high-quality lifelong learning opportunities.
Moreover, these will facilitate adequate competencies and character qualities allowing them to thrive in society and the world of work. The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority also presented its budget proposal to implement its mandate of advancing technical-vocational education and training in the region.
The budget review panel recommended that these agencies should ensure the conduct of consultations with civil society organizations and improve their Gender and Development (GAD) initiatives by utilizing the Harmonized GAD Guidelines Tool in the evaluation of proposed programs and projects. Specifically, for the SUCs to look further into their absorptive capacity considering the improvement of enrollment levels and their continued assistance and partnership with the local government units.
On the second day, Dir. Roland P. Calde of the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples presented their budget priorities aligned with promoting culturally sensitive governance and development. Recommendations include the rationalization of their organizational structure to respond to their major mandates and facilitate the implementation of their major programs.
Dir. Amelita Pangilinan of the Department of Health focused on the PAPs that will expand and strengthen the regional health system and improve health care services. Their budget proposal for new and expanded PAPs involves support for the operations of regional hospitals and health facilities. Dir. Enrique Gascon, Jr. of the Department of Social Welfare and Development highlighted their efforts to ensure the delivery of necessary and targeted social protection services. Also included in their proposal is the construction of a new office building.
In the basic education sector, Dir. Estela P. Leon-Cariño of the Department of Education (DepEd) presented their budget proposal. The panel recommended for the possible augmentation of their Tier 2 budget to accommodate the transfer of Senior High School from SUCs to DepEd. Nonetheless, the panel commended the agency’s location-specific PAPs to highlight the different needs of each province.
In the budget proposal of the Department of Labor and Employment, they proposed the expansion of the Special Program for Employment of Students and their Integrated Livelihood Program to improve job generation and provide assistance to job seekers.
The recommendations of the budget review panel will be integrated into the revised FY 2025 budget proposals of the social sector agencies and SUCs for the approval of the RDC-CAR.
The annual regional budget consultation is conducted by the Regional Development Council-CAR through the RDBCC, following Executive Order 325, series of 1996, and outlined in guidelines in DBM National Budget Memorandum No. 149 for the National Budget Call for FY 2025. The RDBCC is chaired by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM-CAR) and Co-Chaired by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA-CAR). By Legriv Vilee I. Marquez