City officials recently requested the City Engineering Office (CEO) to facilitate the installation of sidewalks safety rails or barriers along all sidewalks within the city for the overall safety of pedestrians.
Under Resolution No. 700, series of 2023, local legislators stated that the immediate installation of sidewalk safety rails or barriers along sidewalks in the different parts of the city is aimed at protecting pedestrians anytime from any vehicular accidents by providing a protective walkway and creating a safety zone for pedestrians.
During the Scout Official for a Day (SOFAD) regular session held on October 23, 2023, the SOFAD Council adopted the proposal of SOFAD Councilor Kean Angelo A. Tictic that sought to mandate the CEO to facilitate the installation of sidewalk barriers within all sidewalks within the city.
The council claimed that with the increasing number of motor vehicles plying the city’s streets, the possibility of vehicular accidents surges as well that can actually be prevented with the installation of appropriate sidewalk safety rails or barriers that offer protection to pedestrians and walkways for the use of both the residents and tourists alike.
Earlier, the city government had installed similar rails or barriers in some sidewalks in the city thus there is still a threat to the overall safety of pedestrians using the sidewalks without these safety features.
The proposed installation of rails or barriers along sidewalks in the city is also aligned with the desire of the local government to make the city walkable and to encourage more people to walk and enjoy its cool weather.
Copies of the approved resolution will be transmitted to the CEO for information, guidance, ready reference and further needed action. By Dexter A. See