City officials recently requested the City Planning and Development Office (CPDO) to submit to the local legislative body the number of business permit applications received, and indicating those approved and pending, and the reasons for the denial of other applications for information and appropriate legislative measures.
Under Resolution No. 106, series of 2024, local legislators stated that they need to be informed on the number of business permit applications received, approved, pending and denied, along with the reasons for denial for strategic planning, policy-making and ensuring fair business practices.
Further, Under Resolution No. 105, series of 2024, the council also requested the Permits and Licensing Division under the City Mayor’s Office to submit to the body the number of business permit applications applied for the years 2023 and 2024 for information and appropriate legislative measures.
The council claimed that it wants to assess the newly developed electronic business permits and licensing system (eBPLS) by the Management Information and Technology Division (MITD) whether it has introduced improvements to streamline the application and renewal of business permits, aiming to enhance service efficiency for customers in a shorter time.
Earlier, the body considered the manifestations of resource persons relative to Proposed Resolution NR. PR0055-24 introduced by Councilor Betty Lourdes F. Tabanda that sought to invite in aid of legislation the MITD and the PLD to present the revised procedures in the processing of business permits in the city.
The renewal and application of new business permits is now underway considering that the local government was able to devise the schedule for the same to cater to the increasing number of businesses operating in the different parts of the city through the years.
Copies of the approved resolution will be transmitted to the concerned offices for their information, guidance, ready reference and further needed action. By Dexter A. See