Since beginning to this day, teachers are partners of COMELEC in times of local and national election. This day teachers are the electoral board that renders service to all voters. On this day teachers acquired lots of experiences that lead to different emotions; some had fun while performing their duties as EB’s that lead them to a stress free day. Some were sad that made their feelings and emotions disturbed. Others felt fear while the election is going on because people came to vote and showed different acts. For me I had addendum experienced that made me think twice if whose to be blamed? The maker of VCM, the Electoral Board or spirits/ghost? During this day we started opening our voting room smoothly performing what we had learned on how to operate our Voting Counting Machine (VCM). The VCM ran well, after some ballots were casted the VCM totally stopped and didn’t print anymore even if the machine states that Cast your ballot. This moment the lights were off and on, flickered that made our voting room deem. We did anything to make the machine run but nothing happen. The election officer changed our VCM and it performed well again. At Three Pm the VCM totally stopped for the second time the same situation that happened in the morning. Some came to our room and said that the room had spirits/ ghosts. Hearing this, I lead a prayer asking for guidance and protection from God, because I do believe in the powers of prayer. Then the third VCM came. Finally we finished all our reports well and submitted them without any discrepancies. Now leaving to you my question , it’s you to decide. NANCY G. BANGO, Author