LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – Eastern La Trinidad National High School (ELTNHS), Beckel, continuously improves teachers in In Service Training (INSET) on Capacity Building on Module Development, School Based Management and Stress Management through Technical Life Skills Buildup from March 15 to 17.
The said training workshop, held at ELTNHS HE Room, is based from their development plans of their Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) for the SY 2020 – 2021 collected from teachers to enhance ICT skills necessary for distance learning and demonstrating ability “beyond the box” continuously focusing on improving personal productivity to create higher value and result.
Speaker sharers were Rosemarie G. Alveraz who talked on School Based Management; Phoebe Shane T. Wacnag and Vivian E. Butz on Video Module Development; and Luisa Lipawen, Braises Lorenzo Larry D. Camsit and Chelsea M. Dumlao on Stress Management through Technical Life Skills Buildup, all teachers from the said school.
31 teachers and non-teaching personnel participated in the face-to-face workshop facilitated by Geraldine O. Martin, Phoebe Shane T. Wacnag, Chelsea M. Dumlao, Aira A. Lachica, Alice D. Sotel, Vina Marie Q. Pangcawey and Eleanor A. Antonio.
“We need more of these kinds of trainings to divert our regular module paper works. Thank you for the lessons learned about our school management, module development and especially our activities on stress management. Our technical skills buildup activity indeed empowers us women teachers. I also enjoyed the teamwork, camaraderie and socialization of my co- teachers” said Phoebe Shane Wacnag, Physical Education teacher of the school.
Recognize module development, school-based management and technical life skills development; enhance skills on module development, school-based management and technical life skills development; and develop an appreciation of the importance of module development, school-based management and technical life skills development were the objectives of the said activity.
INSET is the annual learning and development activity for teachers and staff to help them update their knowledge, skills and competencies more importantly on Information and Communications Technology Services topics needed this year of distance learning methodology of teaching. By OSCAR D. BANGLOT JR.