As they were performing on stage, I was smiling from ear to ear as I whispering to myself, “This is the priceless reward that a trainer like me receives.” It is that moment when you see your trainees shine and beam with confidence, as they celebrate and get excited for a brighter future ahead of them.
That day was the conclusion of a 9-day training we conducted for them. We ought to help them become job and life ready by equipping them with some key knowledge and skills while also influencing their hearts and minds with positive attitude and values to live by.
There was a girl, let’s call her Joy. She wrote a letter to me and expressed her deep thanks for the learning she gained. Joy said she just joined the program because she is going to receive some monetary reward and that she got excited of the free meals during the training. Her motivation was purely external and shallow. But during the training, she was one of the most participative and engaged trainees. She was raising her hand and speaking her mind. In moments that not everybody agreed with her, she stood by what she believed. She declared, “Yes, I would do that way before but now that we are learning, I will do otherwise. I will choose the right thing.” In her letter, she ended saying that she is going to change for the better – it started during the training.
As I read those words, I whispered, “This is a priceless reward.”
There was another trainee, let’s call him John. He was simply observing at first. But two days later, John emerged as a person with initiative and even one of those helping the team form and polish the graduation presentation. The other day he sent me a message saying, “Thank you, sir, for the knowledge. I was able to apply it earlier during my job interview.”
As I replied to him, I whispered, “This is a priceless reward.”
Most of the trainees were silent and non-participative at first. But after some time, they spoke their hearts out, shared their insights and stories. At first, when asked about their goals or jobs they want to apply for, they were unclear. But after discussing some of the modules, we asked them to make their action plans in creative forms.
As they posted their output on the board, I was amazed and delighted. I told them, “This is more than enough payment for my time, effort and service to you. I am elated looking at your dreams, goals and aspirations.” And then I whispered, “This is a priceless reward.”
So there I was, back at my chair, watching them present on stage. I looked back at the days as they were demonstrating the growth and improvement in their attitude, behavior, appearance, and in how and what they communicate. All these were amplified during the graduation day.
I looked up, smiled and said, “This is a priceless reward.”
I was physically exhausted after two weeks of training these young minds but the joy that I felt in my heart will linger beyond two weeks after this.
My friend, whatever you do in your job or business, look for those priceless rewards. They shall linger and last more than the time that any monetary or external reward will ever stay.
I pray that you see those priceless rewards of life.
(Chris Dao-anis, CPA, ACG, ALB is a speaker, trainer, and writer on personal and organizational leadership. His latest book ‘Living Large in the Little Things’ is available at Mt. Cloud Bookshop, Casa Vallejo, Upper Session Road, Baguio City. For talks and trainings, email him at or visit Like him on Facebook at