City officials recently accepted the donation of a road lot identified as Lot 2 containing an area of more or less 932 square meters located in Residence J, Sto. Tomas Central barangay for a farm-to-market road subject to conditions and authorizing the local government to formally accept the road lot donation.
Under Resolution No. 328, series of 2023, the Committee on Laws, Human Rights and Justice in its 2nd indorsement dated May 24, 2023, recommended the approval of the recommendation of the City Engineering Office (CEO) for the acceptance of the aforesaid donation which is not a subdivision road lot as may be subject to the requirements of Resolution No. 128-86, identified as Lot 2, containing an area of 932 square meters, more or less, located at Residence Section J Sto. Tomas Central barangay for a farm-to-market road.
Among the conditions that were imposed for the acceptance of the said donation include the fact that road lot No. 2 as per approved plan No. PCS-CAR 001144 shall be registered in the name of the city with the conformity of the Sto. Tomas School Area barangay in whose favor a portion of the road lot resulting from a consolidation subdivision survey was earlier donated and the cost of segregating and registering the donated lot in the name of the city shall be borne by the registered owners of the parcels of lands from which it was taken.
Further, the committee also recommended the adoption of a resolution authorizing the local chief executive to represent the local government in accepting the said donation.
The council passed Resolution No. 458, series of 2022, requesting the City Engineering Office in cooperation with other offices or agencies for the conduct of a technical evaluation and report on the donated properties under TCT No. T-80073, TTCT No. T-20089 and TCT No. T-29311 located at Sto. Tomas School Area barangay which is intended for a farm to market road.
In a memorandum dated March 31, 2023 for City Engineer Edgard Victorio Olpindo prepared by Engr. Charllot P. Bua-eg, Engineering Assistant, reviewed by Engr. Julio D. Bandao, Engineer I, and noted by Engr. Brinson T. Calion, Jr., Engineer III, all of the City Engineering Office stated that based on the submitted files, available records and ocular site inspection conducted by the survey and inspection division, it was found out that the subject road lot to be donated to the city was donated to the Sto. Tomas School Area barangay with Resolution No. 8, series of 2022 confirming the acceptance; the lot to be donated to the city is identified as Lot 2, road lot, with approved plan No. PCs-CAR 001144 as reflected in the consolidation-subdivision survey plan approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) containing an area of more or less 932 square meters is not yet registered for titling to the Office of the Register of Deeds; the roadlot is an existing dirt road measuring 3 by 4 meters wide when actually measure on the ground with a length of approximately 180 meters; the existing dirt road subject to donation is connected to the existing concrete farm-to-market road which was constructed by the Department of Public works and Highways (DPWH) leading towards Sto. Tomas Central road, it will also connect to an ongoing road development and a proposed road that lead towards Adiwang Road and the existing dirt road subject for donation is utilized by the farmers and residents.
Earlier, Olpindo wrote the council on April 14, 2023 affirming the recommendation for the acceptance of the said donated properties since it will benefit the general public, particularly the farmers and residents within the area and it can be an alternate route leading to Adiwang barangay road even though it did not meet the provision in accordance to Resolution No. 128-86.