LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – Department of Education Benguet division education program supervisors for Math and Science together with the Mathematics and Science officers elementary and secondary bared the activities for the upcoming Division Math and Science Festival 2018 held at the Adivay Hall, Schools Division Office-Benguet Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet on August 17.
The said upcoming festival with the theme “Science and Mathematics for the people, Innovation for Collective prosperity” is to be held at Tublay Home of School Industries on October 10 to 12.
The said conference, in pursuant to Division Memorandum no. 188 s. 2018 “Math and Science Division Planning Conference,” was chaired by the DepEd Benguet Division’s Education Program Supervisor (EPS) for Mathematics Wilfred Bagsao and for Science Georgina Ducayso attended by 41 division officers.
Presentation of 2017 National Achievement Test (NAT) Grade 6, Math and Science intervention to address academically challenged learners, evaluation of hosting 2017 Regional Math and Science Festival and plan for the Division Math and Science Festival were some the concerns undertaken during the meeting.
The conference was concluded through an announcement regarding the arrangement of booths per learning area to be held during the Teacher’s Day on September 30, 2018. The EPS encouraged the officers to prepare their instructional materials to be exhibited in the Math and Science booth.
In addition, the newly included contested events are the Math and Science Quiz Bee for Senior High, Grade 11 or 12. Questions for math quiz bee will be lifted from the topics in general mathematics while topics in earth and life science and physical science for science quiz bee.
The sharing ended with a challenge through a workshop of participants on identifying possible interventions to improve performance of learners with description of each intervention.
Moreover, Division Math and Science Festival is an annual competition of talents of students in the fields of Math and Science. The following activities that were planned for the fair include Math and Science Quiz Bee, Damath and Sci-Dama, Science Investigatory Project, Mathematical Investigation, and Strategic Intervention Material.