LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – Department of Education- Cordillera Administrative Region (DepEd-CAR) through the Planning and Research Division (PPRD) conducted research conference among educators in the region with the theme “Transforming Education through Research and Knowledge Exchange at NEAP- CAR Training Center, Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet on April 21-22.
Dr. Florante E. Vergara, Assistant Regional Director- Officer-in-Charge, welcomed the participants and reminded that conduct of scientific and data-driven researches are one of the mandates of the department among educator. “Let us embrace, hold and take ownership of the activity”, he uttered.
Meanwhile, Dr. Estela L. Cariño, Regional Director, delivered message emphasizing the ultimate goal of conducting research which are policy-recommendation and utilization. She also prompted the participants that research goes beyond complying with the mandate and obtaining credential for possible promotion. She ended assuring the dissemination and support of the DepEd-CAR to the researches of participants.
On the other hand, Dr. Divina M. Yango, Dean of College of Teacher Education- Benguet State University, served as the speaker. She reflected on the shift of educators from face to face learning to modular or blended learning amid financial and technological inequalities among the learners. “Know the challenges and see ways to bridge the gaps”, she reiterated.
Moreover, Yango challenged educators to research on themes such mental and wellbeing of learners, teachers and parents, applicable learning modality for distant remediation and innovative teaching strategies appropriate for remote learning. These could be made possible if educators practice PIB (Passion or Perseverance, Integrity or Innovativeness and Broad-mindedness). “Conducting research is challenging but rewarding”, she concluded.
Pursuant to Regional Memorandum Nos. 127 and 134 s. 2021, the online conference ran in plenary and parallel sessions. It was geared towards advocacy of culture of research in DepEd-CAR, dissemination of educational research under the Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) and recognition of research and evidence-based practices of educational researchers. By JARDSON S. ONIO