The Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and
Development (PCIEERD) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOES) would like
to extend the invitation to the 2018 Call for Proposals (CFP).
With the Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda (HNRDA) in place,
PCIEERD is ready to accept research and development (R&D) proposals for 2018 on areas
considered as priority under the Science for Change Program (S4CP) of the DOST. The R&D proposals should be directed towards harnessing the potential of emerging
technologies, expand technology development and innovation for the industry, energy and
transportation sectors, and develop S&T interventions and solutions for climate change
adaptation and mitigation and disaster risk reduction and management.
Proposals must be aligned with the HNRDA and the PCIEERD Priority Thrust, under the
following Thematic Areas:
• Appropriate Technologies for Industry Competitiveness
• Sustainable Energy
• Sustainable Mass Transport
• Environment, Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction
Research proposals that will address the PCIEERD Priority Thrust may also include the following emerging technology applications: Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Space Technology and Photonics
For those who are interested to submit their proposals, the complete package of the Ca// for
Proposals and Proposals Application Forms are downloadable at the PCIEERD website or
the e-Proposals submission facility.
The following dates pertaining to the 2017 CFP shall be strictly observed. Deadline for submission of “Capsule Proposals is on ” March 31, 2017. Closing Date for Submission of “Full — Blown Proposal” June 1, 2017 and notification of Successful Applicants is Before December 31, 2017
For more detailed information, guidelines and other requirements, please call the Cordillera Industry and Energy Research and Development Consortium (CIERDEC), DOST CAR Office, Km. 6, BSU Compound, La Trinidad, Benguet, Telefax (074) 422-0979 or email at