Cooperatives like banks are authorized to operate branches. The issuance of CDA Memorandum Circular No. 2011-17 as amended by CDA M.C. 2015-11 dated December 3, 2015. The issuance provides policy guidelines on the establishment of cooperative branch. As to the details of the circular it can be downloaded or viewed in our CDA website:
As of December 31, 2017, about 8 cooperatives based in CAR and 2 cooperatives based in Region 1 established branches in the different parts of CAR, Region 1 and 2. About 35,185 individuals composed of 24,620 female and 10,565 male became members of these successful cooperatives.
The first to operate a branch and with the most number is the Abra Diocesan Teachers and Employees Multipurpose Cooperative (ADTEMCO) a primary cooperative based in Bangued. It has established 9 branches, 4 of these are located in Abra; 3 in Pangasinan; 1 in La Union and 1 in Baguio City. About 9,160 members came from these branches composed of 5,554 female and 3,606 male.
Further, Lagawe Multipurpose Development Cooperative (LMDC) has 7 branches found in Quirino Province; Nueva Vizcaya; Mountain Province; La Trinidad; and in the municipalities of Tinoc; Banaue and Alfonso Lista of Ifugao Province where the cooperative is based. About 2,225 members composed of 1,433 female and 792 male. Hingyon based Piwong Multipurpose cooperative opened 2 branches in Quirino and 1 in Nueva Vizcaya with a total of 10,652 members (8,250 female and 2,402 male).
In addition, Baguio-based Taloy Norte Multipurpose Cooperative registered 2 branches located in La Trinidad and Buguias, Benguet. About 4,899 individuals (3,834 female and 1,065 male) became members of this farmer based cooperative. Also, the Bad-ayan Buguias Development Multipurpose Cooperative has 2 branches located Buguias with total branch membership of 3,562 (2,238 female and 1,324 male).
Moreover, Treasure Link Cooperative Society based in Sagada, Mt. Province established a branch in Baguio City with about 1,712 members (1,194 female and 518 male. Kalinga based Tabuk Multipurpose Cooperative branched out to Rizal, Kalinga with about 1,053 branch members (600 female and 453 male). The Bokod Sulphur Multipurpose Cooperative established a branch in La Trinidad with 417 members (283 female and 134 male).
On the other hand, two primary cooperatives based in Region 1 opened branches in CAR. The Ilocos-based NSCC Multipurpose Cooperative opened a branch in Baguio City with 931 members (838 female and 93 male. Similarly, the Suyo Multipurpose Cooperative of Ilocos Sur opened a branch in Itogon Benguet with 574 members (396 female and 178 male).
Finally, the figures above indicated that women constitute 24,620 or 70% of cooperative branch membership with men about 30% or 10,565 members. Having this data provides us an idea that expansion in area and membership helps cooperative in social and economic growth. No wonder commercial and rural banks are aggressive in the establishment of branches. HAPPY COOPERATIVE AND INDIGENOUS MONTH CELEBRATION!