The University of the Philippines Baguio’s arts and crafts fair served as a venue to showcase works and products of local artists and artisans as part of the Cordillera Day Program 2020 held on 15 July 2020.
The artisan’s market called “Mandeko Kito!” which has been running since 15 June 2020, was held at the Sunshine Park in celebration of the 33rd founding anniversary of the Cordillera Administrative Region.
The strategic location was made accessible to the Cordillera Day Program venue at the UP Baguio’s Himnasyo Amianan which is adjacent to the park.
A public service initiative of UP Baguio, “Mandeko Kito!” has just been extended to run until 28 July 2020. It will resume operations 20 July 2020, following its regular schedule Mondays and Tuesdays, 09:00 a.m.-12:00 noon, at the Oblation Ground in UP Baguio campus.
The fair is a joint project of the Baguio Arts and Crafts Collective, Inc. (BACCI) and UP Baguio through the Museo Kordilyera, the Cordillera Textile Project (CordiTex) and the Kasarian Gender Studies Program.
By UP Baguio Public Affairs
Photo by Armando M. Bolislis
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