TABUK CITY, Kalinga – Theatrical portrayal of the Bodong is set to take center stage at the upcoming Bodong Congress on Feb. 12, as part of Kalinga’s 29th Founding Anniversary and 5th Bodong Festival celebrations.
A hundred students from the College of Public Administration and Indigenous Governance of the Kalinga State University (CPAIG-KSU) will be acting in the stage play. Knowledge bearers will be asked to assist during their rehearsals.
The play will be two hours long, narrating the processes of the Bodong such as “inom”, “dornat” and “galigad”, and end in the “pagpagta” simultaneously with the “ganganas”.
Bodong Congress was organized to serve as a venue for younger generations to learn and understand the unique Kalinga peace system instrumental in preserving unity and harmony between sub-tribes in the province.
Over a thousand viewers is expected to join the congress including students, Bodong holders and even non-native spectators.
The revised “Pagta of the Bodong” will also be presented during the congress for questions and comments from elders and Bodong holders. Noted essential provisions will be injected in the subsequent ratification. By Rod Asurin